Sunday 26 October 2008

Crooked Teeth


父亲去世不久我发现他的记忆连留在我身上。有一天我在照镜子时感觉到在看自己同时可以看父亲。父亲的一生中牙齿不好,下巴的牙齿很多都歪了长地象玉米根上的玉米粒。我照镜子时 才发现自己的牙齿很偶然已经开始松动。我的牙齿以前是很正立的。是因为我小时候为了避免牙齿象父亲的牙齿都弯地长出母亲带我去看牙科医生。为了避免牙齿会弯地长出医生推荐安装一个放在牙齿上的钢铁做的架子。幼时架子带了很多年。 以后母亲很高兴地看到结果。牙齿都很正立地长出。她说我微笑是象模特儿的微笑

不过我牙齿终于都歪了。 这证明基因引向下比技术的力量还强。

Monday 20 October 2008

China branding

Economist roundtable of branding in China - Sept 2008. Interviews with some of the participants. Most of the conclusions seemed superficial. As if they could apply to any market. Except that China is moving faster. Some of the conclusions were that Chinese are expecting that there are more services associated with a product. A greater emphasis on service. A lot more people interested in the environment. This is becoming an increasingly important part of company marketing and branding strategy in China.

Sunday 19 October 2008



这一次刚从国外回来的我得找一个房子因为没有地方住. 我想住在市内因为住在是内比住在郊区更热闹一些.第二天我走进一家附近的房地产公司. 接待我的代理人是个大概三来岁的黑女孩子. 她有大的体型, 她的头发从头的每一个地方尖起来象杂机团的小丑这样子.

她经常笑起来但是她的笑话不是一个有娱乐的笑话, 她笑得象很紧张. “我们上你的车还是要上我的车慌?” 她笑着问我. 我是客户她是代理人当然要开她的车. “无所谓” 我回答到. “我的车就在马路对面” 我很客气地指着我的车. “没关系” 她说”还是我开车”.

我们在找她说到的公寓她显得迷路了, 我们在附近的一个公元绕了一圈再绕了一圈开车没多久她说她找不到路. 很可惜我的车正好装了定位系统. 在路上我

我打一个喷. 按照美国风俗她要向我讲一句”上帝保护”什么的. 她不过不说话. 她解释没说话的原因是因为人家是一个宗教组成叫”jehovah’s witness”的参与者. 她说随着宗教的规则她不许公开说”上帝”这个字

Thursday 16 October 2008

Fed-Ex Social Media

Fed-Ex example of social media strengthening a brand. Fed-Ex extended its packaging into the virtual world by allowing users to load images and documents into an online package (Fed-Ex, of course). They made this available on Facebook and linked into virtual gift giving which is a social activity.

Sunday 12 October 2008

Social Media 1011208

Consumers trust other consumers. Nielsen Survey (Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey - October 2007) on consumer attitudes towards 13 types of advertising. 78% of respondents trust other respondents. Reports of bad experiences outweigh good experiences by 5:1. Ads in newspapers rank 2nd worldwide (so newspapers should be doing better). Online opinions rank 3rd at 61%. Word of mouth generates the most trust in APAC. HK = 93% of respondents; Taiwan = 91%; Indonesia (89%) In developing markets advertising seen as a conveyor of useful information